
30 November 2021
A new research article in the latest issue of the Science for Environment Policy’s newsletter presents a study which uses decision science to evaluate nine biodiversity indices. The researchers performed a structured evaluation based on decisсon science on indices commonly used to report on biodiversity targets across marine, freshwater and terrestrial...
23 November 2021
Project members and representatives of the SHOWCASE experimental biodiversity areas (EBAs) met up between 15 and 17 November 2021. The four-day meeting was marked by insightful presentations, vivid discussions and an overview of the project’s developments and future initiatives. The 2021 SHOWCASE annual general meeting was hosted by project partners...
13 October 2021
SHOWCASE coordinator Prof. David Kleijn of Wageningen University and Research and project partners from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Centre for Ecological Research (Hungary), and the University of Reading took part in a recently conducted Expert consultation workshop on EU actions for pollinators in agricultural landscapes. The...
05 October 2021
A research article recently published in the British Ecological Society’s Functional Ecology journal, examines how the quantity of floral resources affects pollinator activity and how this relates to the structure and robustness of pollination networks. The paper titled “Patterns of pollination interactions at community-level are related to the type...
15 September 2021
It has been a busy summer for SHOWCASE researchers! A recently conducted online workshop between SHOWCASE project partners set the stage for upcoming large-scale research endeavours, which would be conducted in a number of European countires, featuring farmers from various backgrounds. Throughout the workshop partners coordinated their future actions,...
04 August 2021
A recent study, published in the online journal Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, examines the effects of wildflower strips on natural pest control and crop yield in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) fields with contrasting management in the Netherlands. The paper called “Flower availability drives effects of wildflower strips on ground-dwelling...
29 July 2021
A recent paper by Beaumelle, L., Auriol, A., et al., published in the online journal Ecological Solutions and Evidence, examines how the benefits of increased cover crop diversity for predators and biological pest control depend on the landscape context. In agricultural areas, increasing plant diversity is a powerful method to strike the balance...
08 July 2021
An article recently published in the Ardeola journal presents an overview of the environmental objectives of Spanish agriculture. The paper called “Environmental Objectives of Spanish Agriculture: Scientific Guidelines for their Effective Implementation under the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2030” provides a set of scientific guidelines for the effective...
24 March 2021
A recent Horizon Magazine article on biodiversity awareness features SHOWCASE project coordinator Prof. David Kleijn of Wageningen University and Research (WUR). In the article called "People have started to care about insects. Now we need action, say experts" Prof. Kleijn talks about perceptions of the general public towards biodiversity loss and the...
12 March 2021
A webinar titled "Striking the right chord to support nature-friendly farming" took place within Forum for the Future of Agriculture (FFA) 2021 Solutions Week. The webinar took place on 9 March, and enjoyed a large number of attendees. SHOWCASE partner from WWF European policy office (WWF EPO) Jabier Ruiz hosted the webinar, and one of the webinar speakers...
26 February 2021
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the travel-related setbacks it has imposed on researchers all over the world, SHOWCASE still manages to begin field work!  The first samplings in the Spanish experimental biodiversity area (EBA) took place in the Guadalquivir valley. Researchers are currently monitoring which pollinators visit fruit trees in...
16 December 2020
This press release was published by EurekAlert!. SHOWCASing synergies between agriculture, biodiversity and Ecosystem services to help farmers capitalising on native biodiversity (SHOWCASE) is a newly funded EU Horizon 2020 research project, dedicated to the integration of biodiversity into farming practices. A research team of leading scientists...