
18 April 2022
The saying goes that plants grow better if planted on Easter weekend...Whether this hopeful belief is true or not, we wish you a happy Easter and we hope it brings you a fruitful spring!
05 April 2022
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is looking for a PhD candidate to join an interdisciplinary team, led by Dr Elin Röös, which unites life cycle assessment experts and ecologists, working closely with a large stakeholder group. The candidate will collaborate with experts from various fields to develop new ways of measuring the impacts...
25 March 2022
Bees are essential for many aspects of our ecosystems, including the preservation of ecological balance and biodiversity in nature. There are more than 20.000 different bee species and around 75% of our crops depend on their pollination services. Their diversity supports the growth of a variety of trees and plants, contributing to complex ecosystems...
21 March 2022
SHOWCASE is dedicated to the integration of biodiversity into farming practices. To achieve this objective, farmers must be motivated to encompass their business interests with society’s sustainability goals. This calls for a multi-actor approach, ensuring that farmers, researchers, and policymakers work together to find solutions, which benefit all...
09 March 2022
FAIRshare (Farm Advisory Digital Innovation Tools Realised and Shared) is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project launched in November 2018. It aims to encourage farm and agricultural advisors to adopt existing Digital Advisory Tools and Services, enabling a more digital, productive, and sustainable agriculture. To engage directly with farm, agricultural,...
08 March 2022
Biodiversity has been drastically affected by intensive agricultural production, resulting in the loss of public goods, such as iconic wildlife and cultural landscapes. The SHOWCASE project is dedicated to stopping this decline in biodiversity by promoting sustainable farming, which includes practices, such as the use of seed mixtures increasing biodiversity.  To...
02 February 2022
A recently published article reviews the effects of land use heterogeneity on arthropod species richness through meta-analysis. The authors of “Increasing landscape complexity enhances species richness of farmland arthropods, agri-environment schemes also abundance – A meta-analysis”, amongst whom SHOWCASE partner Péter Batáry, analysed 29 studies...
27 December 2021
A recently published article in the Scientific Reports journal analyses how certified organic farming and conventional farming affect the quantity and taxonomic richness of several species groups in vineyards. The authors of the article discovered that field-scale farming techniques are more important determinants of community abundance than landscape...
21 December 2021
With our recent first birthday and with the festive season approaching, SHOWCASE wants to wish you happy holidays! During this year we achieved a lot and progressed towards integrating new farming practices on biodiversity. We layed the foundations of our research and we believe that these will help us execute our future plans towards the aims we have. Let...
13 December 2021
SHOWCASE partners Ignasi Bartomeus and Elena Velado-Alonso recently participated in a TV programme of the Andalusian local TV and radio channel CanalSur. Within the programme, experts present the Gudalquivida Experimental Biodiversity Area where EBD-CSIC researchers, key enterprises and farmers cooperatives codesign measures to promote biodiversity...
09 December 2021
Pest control services provided by naturally occurring species, also called biocontrol services, are widely recognised as a key component in biodiversity conservation. However, there is still a lack of rigorous approaches, evaluating synergies between the biocontrol potential of vertebrates and  landscape‐scale features to better inform land-use...
06 December 2021
SHOWCASE just published its brand new animated video titled "Making biodiversity an essential ingredient of farming”. The video demonstrates the essence of biodiversity and how important it is for optimal functioning of the ecosystem. Often threatened by conventional farming, biodiversity suffers due to the abuse of pesticides, climate change and more....