
Analyzing the relative importance of habitat quantity and quality for boosting pollinator populations in agricultural landscapes

Authors: Fijen T.P.M., Bishop G.A., Ganuza C., Scheper J., Kleijn D.
Status: Published
Year: 2024
Journal: Conservation Biology
Place: e14317

UK citizen science schemes for monitoring farmland biodiversity

Authors: Ruck A., Ockinger E., van der Wal R., Mauchline A., Hood A., Potts S., Wallies de Wries M., Gaba S., Bretagnolle V.
Status: Published
Year: 2024

Using a perception matrix to elicit farmers‘ perceptions towards stakeholders in the context of biodiversity-friendly farming

Authors: Scherfranz V., Kantelhardt J., Schaller L., et al.
Status: Published
Year: 2024
Journal: Journal of Rural Studies
Volume/Issue: 108
Pages: 103283

Seminatural areas act as reservoirs of genetic diversity for crop pollinators and natural enemies across Europe

Authors: Ortego J., Albrecht M., Báldi A., Bilde T., Craig S.B.B., Herrera J.M., Hood A.S.C., Kleijn D., Maurer C., Molina F.P., Öckinger E., Potts S.G., Settepani V., Thomsen P.F., Trillo M., Vajna F., Velado-Alonso E., Bartomeus I.
Status: Published
Year: 2024
Journal: Conservation Science and Practice
Volume/Issue: 6/5
Pages: e13080

How values and perceptions shape farmers' biodiversity management: Insights from ten European countries

Authors: Klebl F., Parisi A., Häfner K., et al.
Status: Published
Year: 2024
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume/Issue: 291

Quantifying potential trade-offs and win-wins between arthropod diversity and yield on cropland under agri-environment schemes–A meta-analysis

Authors: Marja R., Albrecht M., Herzog F., Öckinger E., Segre H., Kleijn D., Batáry P.
Status: Published
Year: 2024
Journal: Journal of Environmental Management
Volume/Issue: 353

Bees go up, flowers go down: Increased limitation from late spring to summer in agricultural landscapes

Authors: Bishop G.A., Fijen T.P.M., Raemakers I., van Kats R., Kleijn D.
Status: Published
Year: 2024
Journal: Journal of Applied Ecology
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Grassland vertical height heterogeneity predicts flower and bee diversity: an UAV photogrammetric approach

Authors: Torresani M., Rocchini D., Ceola G., et al.
Status: Published
Year: 2024
Journal: Scientific Reports
Volume/Issue: 14
Publisher: Springer Nature Limited

New records of arthropods from the priority Natura 2000 habitats in Estonian coastal areas

Authors: Sammet K., Martinez M.R., Tali K., Melts I.
Status: Published
Year: 2023
Journal: Check List
Volume/Issue: 19
Pages: 1029-1048

Farmers’ behavioural determinants of on-farm biodiversity management in Europe: a systematic review

Authors: Klebl F., Feindt P., Piorr A.
Status: Published
Year: 2023
Journal: Agric Hum Values

Poster: Impact of grazing and natural landscape features on butterfly assemblages in coastal grasslands

Authors: Fjodorova J.
Status: Published
Year: 2023

The structure of plant–pollinator networks is affected by crop type in a highly intensive agricultural landscape

Authors: Gay C., Gaba S., Bretagnolle V.
Status: Published
Year: 2023
Journal: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Volume/Issue: 359
Pages: 108759

Combining incentives with collective action to provide pollination and a bundle of ecosystem services in farmland

Authors: Faure J., Mouysset L., Gaba S.
Status: Published
Year: 2023
Journal: Ecosystem services
Volume/Issue: 63
Pages: 101547

Farmland biodiversity monitoring through citizen science: A review of existing approaches and future opportunities

Authors: Ruck A., van der Wal R., Hood A.S.C., Mauchline A.L., Potts S.G., Wallis De Fries M.F., Öckinger E.
Status: Published
Year: 2023
Journal: Ambio: A Journal of Environment and Science
Volume/Issue: 53
Pages: 257-275

Opportunities to enhance pollinator biodiversity in solar parks

Authors: Blaydes H., Potts S. G., Whyatt J. D., Armstrong A.
Status: Published
Year: 2023
Journal: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Volume/Issue: 145
Pages: 111 065