
28 March 2023
Last Thursday (16 March 2023), Elena Velado-Alonso (EBD-CSIC) was invited to present her SHOWCASE results at a PhD seminar at the University of Seville. She highlighted the project’s overall goals and efforts, as well as her work in one of the Experimental Biodiversity Areas (EBA) – Guadalquivida, Spain. The Spanish EBA is composed of a living community...
17 March 2023
With biodiversity declining at a worrying pace largely due to agricultural intensification, SHOWCASE aims to find management practices which can balance between maintaining food production and fostering nature conservation. An essential part of this process is to identify how farmers feel about such practices and what would motivate them to implement...
17 February 2023
Studies in the field of remote sensing of biodiversity are increasing, accompanied by the development of a variety of approaches and methodologies to better assess multiple dimensions of biodiversity in different ecosystems. One such approach is the Spectral Variation Hypothesis (SVH) which proposes that the pixel-to-pixel variability of the spectral...
10 February 2023
Agri-environment schemes (AESs) are often developed and implemented in order to mitigate the negative effects of intensive agriculture, conserve biodiversity on farmland and increase agricultural sustainability. Many such widespread AESs aim to maintain or create field margin habitats, such as flower strips or hedgerows. Their effectiveness however...
30 January 2023
Recognising the need for immediate actions to halt and reverse the dramatic loss of wild pollinators, the European Commission recently presented 'A New Deal for Pollinators' revising the 2018 EU Pollinators Initiative. The revised Pollinators Initiative sets objectives for 2030 and related actions under three priorities: I: Improving knowledge...
27 January 2023
SHOWCASE project partner Indrek Melts from the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) recently participated in the Sustainability Science Conference 2023 organised by the University of Toyama. The conference aims to advance the sustainable science field and provide a platform for international experts, early career researchers and scientists to...
25 January 2023
The Agroecosystems History Laboratory of Pablo de Olivine University together with the think tank Alimentta held the 9th International Congress of Agroecology in Seville (Spain) on 19-21 January 2023. In recent years, there has been significant development in both social innovation experiences and discussions on how to scale the Agroecology-Based Local...
19 January 2023
With organic food increasing in demand due to health and environmental benefits, several questions remain unanswered. Do organic farmers generate higher profits? Will the cost of cultivation reduce to compensate for low yields? Can farmers practise as per the organic agriculture protocols and obtain certification? A recent paper co-funded by SHOWCASE...
12 January 2023
A SHOWCASE-funded paper “Measuring diversity from space: a global view of the free and open source rasterdiv R package under a coding perspective” presents a new R package - rasterdiv - to calculate diversity indices based on remotely sensed data, by discussing the theory behind the developed algorithms. Ecology has recognised the variation of species...
09 January 2023
SHOWCASE is happy to share the second edition of its annual newsletter! From the latest project research papers to SHOWCASE’s first policy brief and open access collection in the Research Ideas and Outcomes Journal, the newsletter presents SHOWCASE’s highlights from the past year. Happy reading! Access the newsletter here and don’t forget...
05 January 2023
As we welcome the new year, we embark on a retrospective journey to appreciate the SHOWCASE biodiversity research produced thus far, starting with “rasterdiv—An Information Theory tailored R package for measuring ecosystem heterogeneity from space: To the origin and back”. This co-funded SHOWCASE paper, published in the Methods in Ecology and Evolution,...
23 December 2022
19 December 2022 marked the adoption of what is being called a historic package of measures accepted by the parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Nation representatives from around the world gathered in Canada where for two weeks they discussed how to halt and reverse the dangerous loss of biodiversity and natural ecosystems. The...