
04 July 2023
On 23 June 2023, SHOWCASE member Mylene Martinez from the Estonian University of Life Sciences presented her project results at a combined scientific conference: 18th Symposium of Polish Carabidologists and 9th Symposium of Baltic Coleopterologists. She presented preliminary results about ground beetles from SHOWCASE’s Estonian EBA, located along the...
16 June 2023
One aspect of the SHOWCASE project is investigating ways of increasing important data collection on farmland biodiversity. Particularly, the project aims to discover what is the possible role of citizen science in that landscape.  To that end, SHOWCASE partners from the University of Reading and LEAF paired up with experienced volunteer recorders...
26 April 2023
The SHOWCASE partner Centre for Ecological Research is inviting you to the 8th Student Conference on Conservation Science SCCS Europe. Held between 13–16 September 2023 in Balatonvilágos, Hungary, it provides the opportunity to attend a series of workshops, enjoy networking opportunities and field trips, present your research results and meet renowned...
28 March 2023
Last Thursday (16 March 2023), Elena Velado-Alonso (EBD-CSIC) was invited to present her SHOWCASE results at a PhD seminar at the University of Seville. She highlighted the project’s overall goals and efforts, as well as her work in one of the Experimental Biodiversity Areas (EBA) – Guadalquivida, Spain. The Spanish EBA is composed of a living community...
27 January 2023
SHOWCASE project partner Indrek Melts from the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) recently participated in the Sustainability Science Conference 2023 organised by the University of Toyama. The conference aims to advance the sustainable science field and provide a platform for international experts, early career researchers and scientists to...
25 January 2023
The Agroecosystems History Laboratory of Pablo de Olivine University together with the think tank Alimentta held the 9th International Congress of Agroecology in Seville (Spain) on 19-21 January 2023. In recent years, there has been significant development in both social innovation experiences and discussions on how to scale the Agroecology-Based Local...
06 December 2022
SHOWCASE held its second workshop for Early Career Researchers on 6 December 2022, mentored by the project’s coordinator Prof. David Kleijn from Wageningen University (WU), the Netherlands. The project is composed of 21 member organisations with a total of over 80 members, each with his own valuable experience. Keeping that in mind, it’s important to...
28 November 2022
Between 21-25 November 2022, the SFE2-GfÖ-EEF joint meeting took place in Metz, France, under the slogan “Ecology and Evolution: New perspectives and societal challenges”. Against the backdrop of cutting-edge researchers, science policymakers, and leading teachers from around the globe, SHOWCASE members had the pleasure of presenting their latest...
24 November 2022
On 22 November 2022, the Institute of Geobotany at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) and the Institute of Animal Ecology at Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) held their latest edition of the seminar series on Biodiversity and Ecosystem services. The seminar series is a forum for discussions on ecology, landscape science, and biodiversity research...
18 November 2022
A year after their first in-person meeting in Vienna, SHOWCASE partners were excited to meet up again – this time in sunny Italy! Project members were hosted by partners from the University of Bologna, whose origins go way back – in fact, the university is considered to be the oldest one in the Western world. In this exciting setting, between 7 and...
13 October 2022
The European Researchers’ Night is an annual Europe-wide public event, which aims to bring research closer to the public, shed light on excellent research projects, involve young people in science and illustrate the impacts of researchers’ work in our day-to-day lives. This year, the event took place on 30 September in 26 countries and nearly 400 cities. Inspired...
13 June 2022
On 8–9 June 2022 the fourth annual meeting of the Research Network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy (REECAP) took place in Uppsala. SHOWCASE team members Dipl.-Ing. Verena Scherfranz from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) and Kati Häfner from the Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research...