
Deliverable 3.8 A review of existing citizen science approaches to monitoring farmland biodiversity

Authors: Ruck A., Öckinger E., van der Wal R., Mauchline A., Hood A., Potts S., de Vries M. W., Gaba S., Bretagnolle V.
Status: Approved
Year: 2021

Deliverable 4.8 Data Management Plan

Authors: Korcheva A., Sapundzhieva A., Bartomeus I.
Status: Approved
Year: 2021

Deliverable 4.9 Project logo, marketing starter pack and website running

Authors: Sapundzhieva A., Korcheva A., Zhelezov G.
Status: Approved
Year: 2021

Deliverable 4.11 EIP abstract on the literature review of Task 2.1

Authors: Schaller L., Scherfranz V., Häfner K., Klebl F., Ruiz J., Kantelhardt J., Piorr A.
Status: Approved
Year: 2021

Deliverable 4.10 Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of SHOWCASE results

Authors: Sapundzhieva A., Korcheva A., Yovcheva N.
Status: Approved
Year: 2021

Landscape Is the Main Driver of Weed Assemblages in Field Margins but Is Outperformed by Crop Competition in Field Cores

Authors: Berquer А., Martin О., Gaba S.
Status: Published
Year: 2021
Journal: Plants
Volume/Issue: 10
Pages: 2131

Pollinator monitoring more than pays for itself

Authors: Breeze T.D., Bailey A.P., Balcombe K.G., et al.
Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Journal of Applied Ecology
Volume/Issue: 58/1
Pages: 44-57

Global synthesis of the effectiveness of flower strips and hedgerows on pest control, pollination services and crop yield

Authors: Albrecht M., Kleijn D., Williams N., et al.
Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Authorea

Insect pollination is the weakest link in the production of a hybrid seed crop

Authors: Fijen T.P.M., Scheper J.A., Vogel C., et al.
Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
Volume/Issue: 290
Pages: 106743

High land-use intensity in grasslands constrains wild bee species richness in Europe

Authors: Ekroos J., Kleijn D., Batáry P., et al.
Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume/Issue: 241
Pages: 108255

Citizen Science, Education, and Learning: Challenges and Opportunities

Authors: Joseph R., Laura B., Cecília G., Yaela G.N., Laure K., Nieke K., Mari L., Julia L., Greg M., Luciano M., Alice M., Kai P., Andy R., Pavel T., Silvia W.
Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Frontiers in Sociology
Volume/Issue: 5
Pages: 1-10

Integrating biodiversity conservation in wider landscape management: Necessity, implementation and evaluation

Authors: Kleijn D., Biesmeijer K., Klaassen R., Oerlemans N., Raemakers I., Scheper J., Vet L.
Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Advances in Ecological Research
Volume/Issue: 63
Pages: 127-159

A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production

Authors: Dainese M., Martin E.A., Aizen M.A., et al.
Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: Science Advances
Volume/Issue: 5/10
Pages: 1-13

Applying the Aboveground-Belowground Interaction Concept in Agriculture: Spatio-Temporal Scales Matter

Authors: Veen G.F., Wubs J.E.R., Bardgett R.D., et al.
Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Volume/Issue: 7
Pages: 300

Ecological Intensification: Bridging the Gap between Science and Practice

Authors: Kleijn D., Bommarco R., Fijen T.P.M., et al.
Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Volume/Issue: 34/2
Pages: 154-166