
04 July 2024
In a bid to elevate the transparency and completeness of ecological research in agriculture, a new reporting checklist named AgroEcoList 1.0 has been introduced with a detailed explanatory video. Developed within SHOWCASE by the University of Reading, in partnership with the University of Cambridge, and through a collaborative effort involving...
30 May 2024
The SHOWCASE project has made significant progress towards creating a comprehensive platform to communicate the benefits of agrobiodiversity to farmers, namely Living Fields. The initiative aims to provide farmers with high-quality information on the benefits of biodiversity in agriculture, thus ensuring the uptake of SHOWCASE results. It will ensure...
28 May 2024
As part of the SHOWCASE project's ongoing efforts to disseminate its research and practical outcomes, partners have been actively engaging with various stakeholders, including policymakers, local authorities and international organisations. These engagements aim to share the project's findings, promote the adoption of biodiversity-friendly agricultural...
14 May 2024
This press release was published by EurekAlert! and AlphaGalileo.   Pollinators like bees, butterflies and hoverflies are essential for transferring genetic material crucial for the reproduction of flowering plants, sustaining fruits, vegetables and fibres, as well as supporting biological diversity and climate change adaptation in food production...
30 October 2023
On 27 October, SHOWCASE made one of its key exploitable results available on the Horizon Results Platform. Its publication contributes to the project’s objective of translating scientific research into practical insights that help tackle societal, economic, and environmental challenges. The Horizon Results Platform (HRP), whose motto is...
09 October 2023
Amidst the growing emphasis on nature-focused decision making, SHOWCASE takes the opportunity to highlight some of its contributions to shaping and enhancing environmental policy on different scales. The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) took place in December 2022, ending with the...
02 October 2023
Amidst the growing emphasis on nature-focused decision making, SHOWCASE takes the opportunity to highlight some of its contributions to shaping and enhancing environmental policy on different scales. SHOWCASE member Răzvan Popa (Babeș-Bolyai University) is a proud member of the Romanian National Strategic Plan (NSP) Coalition. The coalition consists...
18 September 2023
In an effort to enhance the quality and transparency of ecological research in agriculture, SHOWCASE members have introduced AgroEcoList 1.0, a reporting checklist designed to improve reporting standards in ecological research in agriculture.  Many publications lack sufficient background information (e.g. location, replication level) to be interpreted,...
01 August 2023
SHOWCASE recognises the importance of effective communication and dissemination in driving lasting project impact. To this end, the project has developed a tailored communication strategy, complete with a project narrative on biodiversity and farming. To enhance communication in the field and inspire transparency in research projects, SHOWCASE has made...
27 April 2023
SHOWCASE published its first practice abstract on the EIP-AGRI platform, aiming to facilitate knowledge transfer from practice-oriented projects to farmers, advisors, and other actors who might benefit from their results. The project’s first practice abstract presents an overview of some of the regulatory and incentive instruments motivating...
17 March 2023
With biodiversity declining at a worrying pace largely due to agricultural intensification, SHOWCASE aims to find management practices which can balance between maintaining food production and fostering nature conservation. An essential part of this process is to identify how farmers feel about such practices and what would motivate them to implement...
13 December 2022
To overcome the barriers preventing the agricultural sector from adopting biodiversity-friendly practices, SHOWCASE provides solid interdisciplinary evidence for the agroecological and socio-economic benefits of biodiversity management. To do that, the project has developed a multi-actor pan-European network of 12 Experimental Biodiversity Areas (EBAs),...