
Take a sneak peak at SHOWCASE’s advancement of the agrobiodiversity communication platform Living Fields

30 May 2024

The SHOWCASE project has made significant progress towards creating a comprehensive platform to communicate the benefits of agrobiodiversity to farmers, namely Living Fields. The initiative aims to provide farmers with high-quality information on the benefits of biodiversity in agriculture, thus ensuring the uptake of SHOWCASE results. It will ensure easy access to tailored knowledge through various online formats, presenting project results, management scenarios and success stories in multiple languages while addressing risks and uncertainties interactively.

The essential steps of the process have already been completed, including selecting the platform's name, developing its visual identity, and structuring the website. With preliminary planning for content production underway, setting the stage for enriching the platform with relevant materials is scheduled to in the coming months.

Over the next year, Living Fields will be continually developed and updated with content generated by project partners and other relevant knowledge-holders. Efforts will include gathering additional information, creating materials based on publications and developing on-demand content tailored to farmers' needs identified through surveys. The goal is to present this information in visually appealing formats to enhance user experience and engagement.

Throughout 2025, the platform will be actively promoted within the SHOWCASE consortium and extended to farmers across Europe. The ambition is for Living Fields to remain a valuable resource beyond the project's lifetime, supporting the European farming community in adopting biodiversity-enhancing practices.

Image: Introductory page of Living Fields agrobiodiversity communication platform