
SHOWCASE policy: Research-based policy brief in the RIO journal

9 October 2023

Amidst the growing emphasis on nature-focused decision making, SHOWCASE takes the opportunity to highlight some of its contributions to shaping and enhancing environmental policy on different scales.

The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) took place in December 2022, ending with the adoption of the “Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework”. 

On the occasion of COP15, SHOWCASE issued its first policy brief providing policymakers with concrete research-based recommendations on how “Bending the curve of biodiversity loss requires rewarding farmers economically for conservation management”. The policy brief identifies five specific actions policymakers can take to trigger an uptake of nature-positive farming systems that reinforce biodiversity. 

To ensure policymakers can easily access SHOWCASE’s recommendations and consider them when addressing biodiversity-friendly farming, the project published its policy brief in its open access collection in the Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) Journal. Read the full policy brief here.

Photo: Key messages from SHOWCASE's Policy brief.