
Disseminating biodiversity strategies: SHOWCASE's engagements with policymakers and international organisations

28 May 2024

As part of the SHOWCASE project's ongoing efforts to disseminate its research and practical outcomes, partners have been actively engaging with various stakeholders, including policymakers, local authorities and international organisations. These engagements aim to share the project's findings, promote the adoption of biodiversity-friendly agricultural practices and ensure that the latter are efficiently tailored to regional contexts. The various dissemination activities from project partners aimed at reaching policymakers are as follows below. 

Peterson's Engagement with the IFC on Biodiversity Funding

In October 2023, Peterson engaged with the International Financial Corporation (IFC) through an online presentation and subsequent discussion to explore funding models for biodiversity-enhancing businesses. This meeting aimed to leverage IFC's extensive global reach in funding sustainable initiatives. Peterson presented various approaches for funding biodiversity-enhancing practices and discussed the different models with the IFC, seeking to gain insights and potentially involve the IFC as a stakeholder in the SHOWCASE project’s business modelling efforts.

ZALF's Collaboration with Märkische Schweiz Nature Park

In April 2023, the ZALF team held a meeting with local policymakers, administrators, and landscape managers of the Märkische Schweiz Nature Park. During the meeting, ZALF presented the SHOWCASE project and discussed the application of its results to the nature park. A particular focus was on the development of the local strategy "Gehölzreich,", which aims to implement structural landscape elements such as hedgerows on a landscape scale. This initiative underscores ZALF's commitment to integrating scientific research with practical landscape management to enhance biodiversity.

CSIC's Recommendations for CAP Eco-Schemes in Andalucia

In March 2023, CSIC held a meeting with Andalucian local authorities where SHOWCASE partners provided recommendations to policymakers on the selection and adaptation of new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) eco-schemes. Drawing from SHOWCASE’s experience with implementing green covers in stone fruit orchards, CSIC highlighted the most promising eco-schemes suited to the Mediterranean context. They emphasised that while flower bands are effective in non-water-limited regions, perennial plants and spontaneous green covers are more suitable for water-limited areas. 

These efforts demonstrate the SHOWCASE project's ongoing commitment to advancing sustainable agricultural practices and enhancing biodiversity through informed, region-specific strategies and collaborative engagements with diverse stakeholders.