This year, SHOWCASE has organised a session during the 5th Ecosystems Services Partnership (ESP) conference, which will be held in Wageningen, the Netherlands on 18-22 November. The conference, under the theme “Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One Health”, is going to focus on the question of how ecosystem services concept can address the challenges involved in delivering global vision of One Health and it will highlight the interdependence of human, animal, plant and ecosystem health and the health of the global environment.
The session, titled “Co-designing biodiversity measures with farmers: Dos and Don’ts”, will bring together various researchers, including SHOWCASE partners Elena Valado-Alonso (Spanish National Research Council) Reiner de Vries (Wageningen University & Research), Verena Scherfranz (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences), Vincent Bretagnolle (National Centre for Scientific Research) and Philippe Jeanneret (Agroscope).
The SHOWCASE partners will present project results on various topics, including co-designing biodiversity interventions, economic and non-economic costs of biodiversity measures for farmers, nature-based solutions experimentation, agroecological practices and biodiversity-based solutions and income constraints on ecosystem management.
Stay tuned for more information after the ESP conference.
Image: Taken from official ESP website